Stand for the TRUTH!!!

TILII branding goes public with a new line of advertising apparel. Watch for us at BEA 2015.   

Tell It Like It Isn't Listed on USA Book News website​

TILII listed in Self-Help Category.  Check it out at this link:

In The News

Lori Badura at the New Titles Display at BEA 2015

Tell It Like It Isn't was one of the exhibits in the New Titles Showcase at BEA 2015

Hard Cover Copies and free eBooks!

A new shipment of hard covers copies of Tell It Like It Isn't have arrived.  Use the contact form to order your autographed copy now.

Lori Badura to exhibit her new book at the BEA  2015

Dr. Badura will be attending the Book Expo America 2015 event  May 27-29 in New York City.  Contact us to reserve an autographed  copy in advance.


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WEB SERIES 2: American Exceptionalism Under The Microscope


WEB SERIES 1: The Truth About Gun Control:  How to See Past the Rhetoric (Part 4, 31 January, 2016)


eBook Vouchers back in stock!

eBook vouchers are finally back in stock.  Interested in reviewing TILII?  Reach out through the contacts link on this website to request your personal voucher.  Happy reading!!


Dr. Badura is pleased to announce that Percepts has recently posted the comprehensive overview of Psyche Theory, a perspective on the human mental/emotional system formulated over several decades by R.J. Parker.  Dr. Badura collaborated with Percepts on applications of Psyche Theory to self-esteem and psychological disorders characterized by aberrant self-esteem. Please click on this link to learn more about Psyche Theory and it's relevance to human development and mental health.

Tell It Like It Isn't release date!!!

​Dr Badura's new nonfiction work was published in December, 2014.  The work explores the role of deception in contemporary society, and encourages a deductive process of reasoning when making judgments in every day life. Click for more information.  


to the central resource for updates on past, present, and future activities around Dr. Badura's work as a scientist, business development leader, and author.  Check back frequently as news and announcements will be posted at regular intervals

announcements: Dr Badura's new book, Tell It Like It Isn't: The definitive guide to surviving in a deceitful world, is now available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the Archway bookstore.  Click the "Books" tab in the menu bar for more information